Katy Strange a photographié toutes les personnes qui ont dormi dans son lit (789 jours pour être exact). Cette étudiante de Maastricht en école artistique, raconte à sa manière ses “bed-stories” qui parcourent sa vie d’étudiante. « J’utilise la photographie pour raconter mes histoires personnelles. Je suis la spectatrice ainsi que l’actrice. Je vous montre mes amis, à vous de me dire qui je suis. Mes amis sont vraiment important pour moi. »
I photographed all the people who slept in my bed for the last 2 years (789 days to be exact). These photographs are all short “bed-stories”, because this is how I experienced my student life.
I use photography to tell my own personal stories. I am the director as well as the actor. Throughout four years of study at the art academy I constantly tried to capture my experiences in photographs. Unfortunately I didn’t pay enough attention (photography-wise) to my friends in the beginning. Especially in hard times I often realize how much influence they have on me. They are part of who I am today. I show you my friends and you tell me who I am. They are truly important to me.
My “Bed-stories” show me as an art student and the importance of the people around me. My friends.