if i die est une application unique sur Facebook qui vous permet de laisser un message posthume qui ne sera publié qu’après votre mort.


‘IF i DIE’, is a unique Facebook application that enables people to leave a message that will only be published after they die. Since nobody thinks they will die anytime soon, In order to encourage people to use this app, we had to remind them that death can catch them anywhere, anytime, and that they’d better leave a message before it was too late.

Using the API of popular location based services (foursquare, Gowalla..), combined with twitter, ‘Facebook places’ and ‘Google Latest’, we were able to track thousands of check-ins worldwide. With this information we knew exactly where someone was in real time, and could communicate the message in person and that’s exactly what we did. We called thousands of people from all over the world to their place of check-in and asked to speak with that person, after he was called to the phone, we’ve communicated our message in a personal way and reminded him that death can catch him anywhere, anytime.